Emergencies can occur at any time in life, even when you’re on vacation. We could likely write a 300-page book or establish as 2-week webinar to cover 100% of the possible emergencies, but how about if we simply provide a snapshot? Hopefully it will get your gears turning for your own personal affairs.
HEALTH: Bring your medical card. If you’re in the care of a doctor, bring along paperwork that shows your current conditions, prescriptions and treatment plan. Put the phone numbers of your medical team in your cell phone, or at least write them down and store them in your wallet. If you have signed up for programs such as medical flights, bring those cards, too.
PRESCRIPTIONS: If you’re on medications, bring enough for your entire trip and any possible delays. Perhaps snap photos with your phone of the labels in case something happens to your supply.
CELL PHONES: If you’re traveling with others, make sure to share with them the vital information that’s in your phone in case your phone is lost, stolen or takes an unexpected swim. If you’re traveling alone, make sure there’s a copy of everything in the cloud (stored off of the phone).
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Record an ICE (In Case of Emergency) in your mobile phone’s contacts and in your wallet.
PETS: Take a photo of each pet, have their medical information with you (especially proof of vaccinations), and even have a photo of you with each pet. That photo helps to prove that they’re yours (sadly, sometimes one might wish to have that evidence). Of course, it’s also suggested that you bring the leash, carrier, bowls and enough water and pet food for the trip.
CREDIT CARDS & OTHER CARDS: Leave the ones you won’t be using at home. Use your mobile phone to snap photos of the front of back of each card you’re carrying in case your wallet is stolen or lost. Secure these photos so that no one can access them except you (possibly store them in the cloud).
PASSPORT: If you plan to travel near our country’s borders, bring your passport just in case you want to pop on over into that other land.
TRAVEL COMPANIONS: Replicate all of that for each person in your travel party!
SPARE TIRE: Make sure it’s properly inflated, and have the proper tools for a tire change.
ROAD FLARES OR WARNING TRIANGLES: Not all incidents happen with clear visibility and sufficient room so be prepared to alert oncoming traffic.
- Drinking water
- First aid and hygiene kits
- Weather / NOAA radio
- Flashlight and batteries
- Duct tape
- Tool box with screw drivers and socket wrenches for all parts of your RV or car
- Waterproof poncho
- Whistle
- Utility knife
- Jumper cables
- Ice scraper (most don’t realize that Colorado often gets snow in about 10 of the 12 months of the year!)
- Work gloves (really handy when changing a flat tire)
Please, pause and consider the reality that disasters can occur while you’re away. Do you have with you what it will take if:
- Someone in the traveling group becomes seriously ill or injured?
- The vehicle you’re using has a mechanical failure or is destroyed in an accident?
- Something happens to your home while you’re away?
- Something happens to a loved one while you’re on vacation?
- Something happens to your pet (who is either with you or in the care of others)?
It’s our hope that Murphy’s Law will kick in, meaning that you will return home without incident!
Our Find a Campground page makes it easier to narrow the list of campground to those which best suit your preferences.
This publication is supported by funding from the Colorado Tourism Office, a state agency. Turn to Colorado.com for a comprehensive list of festivals, events, historic areas, itineraries, and community insight.