When making your camping reservations and they ask for specs to find the most suitable campsite, you’ll usually need to know your dates, RV dimensions, RV electric specs, dates, and party size, and probably even more.
Before making the reservation, please consider it all before you actually book it!
Amps: The online reservation form isn’t asking what you’ll accept but rather what the RV is designed to use.
Don’t presume it’s OK to use a device which downgrades the RV from the 50-amp connection to enabling you to plug into a 30-amp outlet. Please know that we don’t want to see you without a campsite, and we know there are many campgrounds that:
- Won’t have another 50-amp site available at the last minute AND
- Don’t allow any RV to be plugged into a pedestal that doesn’t have the RV-certified amps. Dogbones prohibited!
You might say, “but these dogbones work!”
Well, some park owners and their guests have endured outages because one person dogboned down to another amp outlet. It’s true that one person can manage to take out the entire circuit in the heat of summer (and some places get VERY hot!).
It isn’t for the RVer to argue; it’s the policy to best ensure that every campsite has the electric that’s needed. Quite simply, park owners and their properly-parked guests are fed up with losing out by one dogbone.
Please, ensure you and everyone around you enjoys their camping vacation! If you aren’t satisfied with the park’s policies then don’t book; search for another campground that is in line with your preferences.

Did you know that park owners need to account for those on their property during a disaster? It takes but moments for the world to go from up right to upside down, and officials will be asking the onsite owner/manager for a headcount for their private property. Yes, private property.
Campgrounds (other than state, city, & county properties) are on private land the owner chose for their campground. So, all people in your party (even day visitors and people of all ages) need to be accounted for when you register, even if it means paying a few bucks more for that person to have the pleasure of being at the campground.

Most campgrounds require you to fit on your site. Overflowing onto the grass or into the roadway is often not only frowned upon but is also against policy and might be punishable by towing or even termination of your entire reservation. Tell the park if you plan to tow and if you have even more any additional vehicles, and then park per their instructions.
These vary, so have an idea of your travel plans and their policies. If you plan to drive well into the night (especially popular on hot summer days on the way to a distant destination), you don’t want to find out that the park you planned to stay at closed their gates before you arrived. This is usually done for the peaceful pleasure of their guests who are already settled in. Either plan to stop early enough or plan to find a place that accommodates your arrival time.
Ditto with the check-out times. If you plan to spend your final day hiking or taking in more adventures before getting a late start back toward home, plan it according to the park’s check-out time.
We encourage you to explain your plans to the park’s staff before you book to see how flexible they can be, or if there will be additional fees to accommodate your schedule.
Some personal preferences might not match that of the campground’s. Know the policies before you book so you can be assured of enjoying yourself while you abide by their policies.
Please book your campsite based upon your actual specifications and the guidelines and policies of the park. They really weren’t created to pick on anyone but to ensure everyone safely enjoys their camping experience. If you aren’t pleased with what the park expects from you and your party, keep looking because Colorado has hundreds of campgrounds! Most of them are listed right in our CampColorado directory and can be found using various search tools.